土岐 謙次
1996年京都市立芸術大学美術研究科修了、2013年同大博士後期課程産業工芸・意匠修了、博士(美術)。2002年頃より3Dプリンタを使った漆造形作品の制作を行う。コンピュテーショナルデザインによる乾漆(麻布を漆で固める伝統造形技法)作品を世界各地で発表、建築構造家と共同で乾漆の強度実験を行うなど、古くて新しい漆の可能性を追求。2013年より宮城県にて東日本大震災後の耕作放棄地に漆を植える活動を行う。文化庁派遣芸術家、The Surrey Institute of Art & Design, University College研究員を経て2005年より宮城大学着任、2019年宮城大学事業構想学群価値創造デザイン学類教授


Kenji Toki
URUSHI craft practitioner
Miyagi University / Professor

金田 充弘

Mitsuhiro Kanada
Structural Engineer
Tokyo University of the Arts / Associate Professor
Arup / Senior Associate


Kyoto City University of Arts  Japanese Lacquer section, Dept. of Craft, MA


The Surrey Institute of Art & Design, University College/UK Dept. of Three Dimensional Design, Research Fellow


Miyagi University


Kyoto City University of Arts Dept. of Industrial Craft Design, Ph.D


V&A Museum, Canadian Museum of Civilization, The Metropolitan Museum of Art


UC Berkley   College of Environmental Design, Dept of Architecture, BA  


UC Berkeley  College of Engineering, Dept of Civil & Environmental Engineering MSc


Ove Arup & Partners, Tokyo Office


1997~1999、2005~2010,  London Office


Tokyo University of the Arts

Based in Japan, Kenji has been working as a contemporary craft practitioner exploring representation of URUSHI (Japanese lacquer) and exhibiting internationally since 1995. He is undertaking the research into digital fabrication and how these techniques can be applied and utilized within craft, art, jewellery and furniture practice, especially in relation to URUSHI work.


Mitsuhiro has worked in the US, Japan, and the UK.  He leads a multi-disciplinary team of engineers to collaborate with many architects including, Renzo Piano, Zaha Hadid, Toyo Ito, Kengo Kuma, and SANAA.  He has received Gengo Matsui Award (now called Japan Structural Design Award) in 2002 for the structural design of Maison Hermes.  He is an associate professor at Tokyo University of the Arts and teaches technology based design courses to architecture students.